Uli Munderloh, Co-Author in Science Publication: Dome1–JAK–STAT signaling between parasite and host integrates vector immunity and development

February 17, 2023

Uli Munderloh, an Emeritus Professor in the entomology department, is a co-author in the science publication, Dome1–JAK–STAT signaling between parasite and host integrates vector immunity and development. The research follows up on the recent discovery of a cross-species cell signaling pathway in which a mammalian interferon (IFN-γ) ingested with the tick blood meal activates the Ixodes JAK–STAT pathway. This interaction generates potent microbicidal activities within the vector. In this study, the authors explore the identity and characteristics of the tick receptor for IFN-γ to uncover the mechanisms and biological significance of a cross-species cell signaling cascade that extends from mammals to their ectoparasites.