
Name Position/title Email
Sophia Anderson Researcher, Thomson Lab, Insect Collection [email protected]
Elise Bernstein Senior Laboratory Technician, Bee Squad [email protected]
Cristian Beza-Beza President’s Post-Doctoral Fellow [email protected]
Roger Blahnik Research Affiliate, Insect Collection
Nicole Burkhardt Researcher, Lab Supervisor, Kurtti/Munderloh lab [email protected]
Marissa Chase Post-Doctoral Associate, Cariveau Lab [email protected]
Clara Costello Office and Research Support, Bee Labs [email protected]
Sarah Cowan Graduate Program Coordinator [email protected]
Jack Culotta Researcher, Lindsey Lab [email protected]
Elaine Evans Extension Professor and Researcher, Cariveau lab [email protected]
Michael Gelaw Researcher, Lindsey Lab [email protected]
Judith Griesedieck Education Program Associate, Bee Squad [email protected]
Jessica Helgen Education Program Associate, Bee Squad [email protected]
Katie Lee Researcher, Extension Associate, Spivak lab [email protected]
Juliana Lopes dos Santos Visiting Graduate Student, Koch Lab, PhD [email protected]
John Luhman Research Affiliate, Insect Collection [email protected]
James Menger Researcher, Koch Lab [email protected]
Jessica Miller Education Program Associate, Bee Squad [email protected]
Clarissa Moore Researcher, Aukema Lab [email protected]
Brooke Nikkila Program Manager, Bee Squad [email protected]
Sofia Nikulin Post-Doctoral Associate, Spivak lab [email protected]
Zach Portman Researcher, Cariveau lab [email protected]
Lisa Price Researcher, Munderloh/Kurtti lab [email protected]
Alister Rós Bergstedt Digitization Technician - Insect Collection [email protected]
Benjamin Sallmann Researcher, Spivak lab [email protected]
Anika Sharma Post-Doctoral Associate, Kells Lab [email protected]
Regina Stacke Research Specialist, Koch Lab [email protected]
Isak Stillwell Jardine Researcher, Koch Lab
Robin Thomson Curator, Insect Collection [email protected]
Anne Turnham Education Program Associate, Bee Squad [email protected]
Arthur Vieira Ribeiro Post-Doctoral Associate, Koch lab [email protected]
David Wangila Postdoctoral Associate, Yang Lab [email protected]
Jenny Warner Education Program Associate, Bee Squad [email protected]
Nelson Williams Researcher, Spivak lab [email protected]
Rebecca Zerlin Lab Manager, Cariveau Lab [email protected]
Ben Ziegler Researcher, Spivak Lab [email protected]