Alister Rós Bergstedt

Alister Ros Bergstedt
Digitization Technician - Insect Collection

Hodson Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55108
United States



I'm from the Sonoran Desert and recieved my undergrad at Arizona State University in Applied Biological Sciences. In my academic career I've focused largely on the effect of anthropogenic habitat alterations on native biodiversity, native pollinator education, and natural history collections management along with biodiversity database management. I especially enjoy standardizing information storage and sharing, as well as exploring the ways we can use our digital natural history information for more accessible research and education. Outside of work I enjoy knitting, learning about keeping sheep, goats, and chickens, and historical animal and plant fiber use in textiles.


B.S. in Applied Biological Sciences, Arizona State University 
Certificate in Geographic Information Science, Arizona State University