Insect Science Minor

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Insect Science Minor Requirements

This minor provides students with a strong foundation in entomology while exploring entomological theories and principles. Coursework easily compliments studies related to biology, animals, plants, human health, and food production. All minor requirements must be taken A-F (unless only offered S/N), and students must earn a grade of at least C- in each course in the minor. Required for this minor: ENT 1005 plus 9 credits from courses listed on this page. 

Specific Courses, Electives (University Catalogs) 

Why learn about insects?

Insects are amazing and represent the majority of described life on the planet! They also play important roles in nearly all fields of study in the biological sciences. The Insect Science Minor provides a strong background in entomological principles and theory. Become an insect expert, or use the minor to allow you to create a greater understanding of the area of biology that interests you most. 

Enroll in the Insect Science Minor to increase your career preparedness for graduate programs and exciting professions in natural resources and conservation of pollinators and other insects, medicine, plant health and protection related to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, greenhouse and nursery management, or teaching biology in secondary education institutions. Sign-up for the Insect Science Minor!

Insect Science Minor Advisor

Matt Petersen | [email protected] | (612) 624-1281


Elective courses can be chosen to enhance your field of study with associated entomology content. Our courses emphasize several areas of interest, including conservation and environmental assessment, medicine and global health, agriculture and plant protection, and pollinator ecology. Then take your education beyond the classroom through experiential learning with student research, internships and other Department of Entomology opportunities.