
Name Areas of Interest Email
Brian Aukema

Forest entomology including invasive species and climate change; ecological statistics

[email protected]
Dan Cariveau
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

Conservation and restoration of native, wild bee communities, pollinator services

[email protected]
Benjamin Cull
Research Assistant Professor

My research interests include vector biology and ecology, vector surveillance, enzootic cycles of vector-borne disease, and host-pathogen-vector interactions, with a focus on ticks and tick-borne diseases. 

[email protected]
Ann Fallon
Distinguished McKnight University Professor

Mosquito physiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, mosquito cell culture, Wolbachia

[email protected]
George Heimpel
Distinguished McKnight University Professor

Parasitoid biology, biological control, conservation, Galapagos

[email protected]
William Hutchison
Professor & Extension Entomologist, ESA Fellow

Sustainable IPM, fruit & vegetable crops, areawide pest suppression, Bt resistance management

[email protected]
Stephen Kells
Professor, Extension Entomologist, Board Certified Entomologist in: Urban & Industrial Entomology, Medical Veterinary Entomology

Improving Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs in residential, commercial, and industrial structures for better prevention and control of pests such as bed bugs, cockroaches, rodents, and stored product pests.

[email protected]
Robert Koch
Professor, Extension Entomologist

Integrated pest management, crops pests, remote sensing, insecticde resistance, host plant resistance, biological control, sampling

[email protected]
Vera Krischik
Associate Professor, Extension Entomologist

Conservation biocontrol, insecticide toxicity, pesticide use and safety, IPM programs for pests in landscapes and greenhouses

[email protected]
Amelia Lindsey
Assistant Professor

Functional and evolutionary genomics, reproduction, host-microbe interactions

[email protected]
Ian MacRae
Professor & Extension Entomologist

Integrated pest management, spatial & temporal distribution and population dynamics of insects, remote sensing, spatial aspects of pesticide resistance.

[email protected]
Karen Mesce

Neurobiology of arthropods and annelids, dopamine neuromodulation, electrophysiology, optical imaging

[email protected]
Matt Petersen
Teaching Associate Professor

Pedagogy and curriculum development, insect systematics and biogeography, sustainable insect systems

[email protected]
Sujaya Rao
Department Head & Professor

Sustainable IPM in cropping systems, behavior and ecology of native bees in agricultural and natural landscapes, entomophagy

Why we should all eat bugs - TEDx Minneapolis

[email protected]
Fei Yang
Assistant Professor & Extension Entomologist

Integrated pest management, row crop insect pests, insecticide resistance management, transgenic Bt crops, host plant resistance, sampling techniques, population genetics, mechanisms of insect resistance

[email protected]

Additional Graduate Faculty

Name Email
Matt Aliota
Assistant Professor (Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences)
[email protected]
Mark Asplen
Associate Professor, Department Chair (Department of Natural Sciences, Metropolitan State University)
[email protected]
Elizabeth Borer
Professor (Ecology, Evolution and Behavior)
[email protected]
Jonathan Oliver
Assistant Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences
[email protected]
Mary Rogers
Associate Professor (Horticulture)
[email protected]
Declan Schroeder
Associate Professor (Veterinary Population Medicine)
[email protected]
Emilie Snell Rood
Associate Professor (Ecology, Evolution and Behavior)
[email protected]
Robin Thomson
Curator, Insect Collection
[email protected]
Rob Venette
Adjunct Associate Professor, Director, Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plant & Pest Center , Research Biologist
[email protected]
Mingzi Xu
Assistant Professor (Ecology, Evolution and Behavior)
[email protected]
Marlene Zuk
Regents Professor Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
[email protected]

Emeritus Faculty

Name Email
David Andow
Professor Emeritus, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
[email protected]
Mark Ascerno
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
Ralph Holzenthal
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
Tim Kurtti
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
Roger Moon
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
Ulrike Munderloh
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
Ken Ostlie
Professor Emeritus and Extension Entomologist
[email protected]
David Ragsdale
Professor Emeritus, Head, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University
Marla Spivak
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]