1980 Folwell Ave
St Paul, MN 55108
United States
B.S. Luther College (Decorah, Iowa), 1976, Biology and Mathematics
M.S. Utah State University, 1979, Ecology
Ph.D. Iowa State University, 1984, Entomology
Areas of Interest
IPM Research/Extension in field crops, including Corn Rootworm biology and management; addressing the "insurance approach" to pest management, Bt corn, seed treatments
Conduct educational program on corn and soybean insects and their management.
My educational philosophy is to engage farmers, and their advisory ag professionals, in exploring the contemporary management challenges posed by changing insect risks, evolving technologies and dynamic production needs. These challenges provide an excellent opportunity to teach insect biology, ecology and management at its interface with crop production. I relish the constantly changing educational situation; every year brings different insect problems.
Major foci of my extension activities have changed drastically over the last 10 years: European corn borer has faded from its status as a key pest only to be replaced by corn rootworms as their resistance to crop rotation intensifies. The invasive soybean aphid arrived in 2001 and changed the face of soybean production. Changing weather patterns has brought to the forefront other insect problems: bean leaf beetle, two-spotted spider mites and western bean cutworm. The introduction and rapid adoption of biotechnology has revolutionized corn rootworm and corn borer management. The necessity for insect resistance management vies with economic and logistical realities that farmers face in deciding their production practices. The current “insurance approach” towards use of crop inputs, such as Bt-corn, seed treatments and foliar insecticides now pose the greatest single hurdle to extension education programs.
Activities in my extension program include:
- preparing educational materials (publications, newsletters, web pages and presentations)
- teaching farmers and ag professions (county / cluster winter meetings, short courses, field days, field schools, clinics, and workshops)
- conducting applied research with extension staff and other ag professionals, and
- in-service training of extension educators.
Guest lecturer for departmental and college courses(integrated pest management, insect pathology, sampling, issues in natural resources)
- Impacts of cultural practices (agronomic practices, soil fertility management) on corn insects Biology, population dynamics and yield/quality impacts of bean leaf beetle under different management regimes
- Remote sensing of corn rootworm stress to corn and its implications for landscape assessment in an environment of changing corn rootworm risk and management practices
- Comparative performance of transgenic events for controlling corn rootworm and various Lepidopteran insects and their effects on the population dynamics of these pests Impacts of weedy grasses and volunteer corn on corn rootworms and their implications for Insect Resistance Management (IRM)
- Scouting techniques, decision strategies and their implications for insect management
- Sub-economic insecticide applications: performance against soybean insects and their natural enemies, and its consequences for pest dynamics
- Insecticides, adjuvants and innovative application technologies: performance and use in managing corn and soybean insects (corn rootworm, white grubs, soybean aphid, two-spotted spidermites)
Select Publications
Research Publications:
Hodgson, E.W., R. Wright, D. Andow, M. Gray, T. Hunt and K. Ostlie. 2014. Summary of farmer focus groups for corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) management in relation to continuing Bt resistance issues and concerns, Submitted to: Journal of Integrated Pest Management – Issues (in review).
Leaf, T., K. Ostlie and D. Kaiser. 2014. Corn Rootworm (Order: Chrysomelidae) Response to Single and Pyramided Bt Hybrids Under Multiple Nitrogen Rates. J. Econ. Entomol. (in review)
Leaf, T., K. Ostlie and D. Kaiser. 2014. Comparative Performance of Transgenic Hybrids and Their Response to Nitrogen Rates. Agron. J. (accepted)
Sappington T. W., K. R Ostlie, C. Difonzo, B. E. Hibbard, C. H. Krupke, P. Porter, S. Pueppke, E. J. Shields, and J. Tollefson. 2010. Conducting public-sector research on commercialized transgenic seed: in search of a paradigm that works. GM crops 1 (2): 55.
Hurley, T., I. Langrock and K. Ostlie. 2006. Estimating the Benefits of Bt Corn and Cost of Insect Resistance Management Ex Ante. Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics 31(2):355-375.
Select Presentations at Professional Meetings:
Franz, T.M. and K. Ostlie. 2013. Impact of corn rootworm (Diabrotica spp.)-active Bt hybrids on beetle emergence. Paper presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Rapid City, SD. June 17.
Schacht, E., J. Barta, T.M. Franz and K. Ostlie. 2013. Host synchrony effects on efficacy and performance of Bt-rootworm traits. Poster presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Rapid City, SD. June 18.
Ostlie, K., E. Schacht and J. Barta. 2013. Comparative performance of Bt-rootworm traits in Cry2Bb1 performance problem fields. Poster presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Rapid City, SD. June 18.
Hubbard, B., K. Ostlie, S. Zukoff, A. Zukoff and L. French. 2013. Laboratory selection and an evaluation of techniques for quantifying resistance of western corn rootworm larvae to transgenic corn. Paper presented at ESA Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. Nov. 10.
Carter, M.E., K. Ostlie and B. Potter. 2013. Surveying adult corn rootworm (Diabrotica spp.) populations in Minnesota: A focus on resistance to Bt transgenic traits. Poster presented at ESA Annual Meeting in Dallas TX. Nov. 12.
Schacht, E., K. Ostlie, M. Carter and M. Majeski. 2013. Understanding Bt trait resistance in Minnesota through bioassays of field-collected western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) populations. Poster presented at ESA Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. Nov. 13.
Leaf, T. and K. Ostlie. 2013. Effect of nitrogen rates on corn rootworm (Diabrotica spp.) beetle emergence and sex composition using Bt and non-Bt corn hybrids. Paper presented In Student Competition Session at ESA Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. Nov. 11.
Franz, T. and K. Ostlie. 2012. Nitrogen application effects on Bt gene expression in corn roots and trait performance against corn rootworms (Diabrotica spp.) Paper presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Lincoln, NE. June 4.
Franz, T. and K. Ostlie. 2012. Effect of nitrogen on Bt gene expression in corn roots and resulting trait performance against corn rootworms (Diabrotica spp.). Paper presented In Student Competition Session at ESA Annual Meeting in Knoxville, MN. Nov. 12.
Franz, T. M., K. Ostlie and D. Kaiser. 2011. Effects of nitrogen on corn rootworms, root injury, and corn yield. Poster presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Krueger, C. C., K. Ostlie and I. MacRae. 2011. Rain-related mortality in soybean aphid populations. Poster presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Ostlie, K.R., B.D. Potter and L. French. 2011. An economic comparison of soybean insect management strategies. Paper presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN
Potter, B. , K. R. Ostlie and J.M. Goos. 2011. Corn rootworm adult emergence patterns as affected by Bt-RW corn and crop rotation. Paper presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Schacht, E., T. Franz and K, R. Ostlie. 2011. Comparative Effects of Emergence Cage Type on Corn Rootworm Emergence. Poster presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MNOstlie, K.R. and A. Zimmel. 2010. Comparative Effects of Emergence Cage Type on Corn Rootworm Emergence. Poster presented at NCB-ESA Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY
Select Extension Presentations:
To request a PowerPoint Version of these pdf files, please send an email to me at: [email protected]
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “Corn Lodging and Transgenic Corn for Corn Rootworms” Presentation at 2008 SROC Winter Crop Days, Lake Crystal, Waseca, Kasson, Wykoff and Arlington, MN.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “Just-in-Case Treatments: Implications for Corn and Soybean Insect Management” Presentation at 2008 Ag Professional Updates, Kasson, Waseca, Fairmont, Lamberton Willmar, and Morris, MN.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “Spidermites and Bean Leaf Beetles in Soybean: The First and Last Word by Soybean Insects” Presentation at 2008 Northern Great Plains Soybean IPM Forums, Morehead MN and Brookings SD.
Ostlie, K. 2008. “Transgenic Traits, Stacks, and Volunteer Corn: Changing Fortunes for Corn Rootworms” Presentation at 2008 SWROC Winter Crops Day, Lamberton, MN
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “Corn Insect Management: Changing Pests, Technology and Production Practices” Presented at 2008 Advanced Crop Advisors Workshop, Fargo ND.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “What’s New in Managing Corn & Soybean Insects?” Presented at 2008 West Central Agronomy Update. Owatonna, MN.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “An Update on Crop Insects and Insecticides” Presentation at 2008 Commercial Agricultural Applicators Recertification Workshops. St. Cloud, Fairmont, Faribault, Kasson, Mankato, and Marshall, MN.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “When is a Seed more than a Seed? An Update on Insecticide Seed Treatments” Presentation at 2008 Seed Treatment Recertification Workshop. St. Cloud, MN
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. Corn Rootworm Transgenics for 2009: A Moving Target. Proc. 33th Annual Crop Pest Management Short Course. St. Paul, MN.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “Corn Rootworm Management for 2008: Triple Stacks, Insecticides & Resistance Management” Presented at 2008 Producers Seed Company Meeting, Rochester, MN.
Ostlie, K.R. 2008. “Triple Stack or Take it Back – Sales Pitch or Reality?” Presented at 2008 Winter Crops Day, Faribault, MN
Honors and Awards
- Board Certified Entomologist of Mid-America - 2005 Entomology Educational Project Awards
- Consensus Recommendation for Soybean Aphid Control
- Soybean Aphid Management Workshop
Students Advised
Trisha M. Leaf, Ph.D.
- Edwin Benkert - 2020
- Ann. M. Journey - 2003
- Caitlin Krueger – 2013
- Trisha M. Franz – 2011
- Phillip Price – 2003
- Ann. M. Journey – 1995
- L. Jeffrey Luedeman - 1993
- Sanjeev Chaddha - 1991
- Susan A. Ross - 1988