1980 Folwell Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55108
United States
Cristian was born in La Ermita, a small village from Guatemala, where he developed a deep love for nature in his mountainous surroundings, sparking a lifelong passion for biodiversity. His research focuses on understanding the role of biogeography and trophic specialization in insect diversification. Specifically, the geographical patterns of biodiversity resulting from processes such as restricted distributions and isolation. Additionally, He is interested in studying the causes and consequences of trophic specialization and the evolution of new phenotypes, particularly in highly specialized clades like the saproxylophagous (wood-feeding) beetles of the family Passalidae.
Ph.D. 2019. The University of Memphis. Advisor: Duane McKenna.
M.S. 2013. Wichita State University Co-advisors: Mary Liz Jameson and James Beck.
Licentiate Degree. 2009. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. Co-advisors: Jack Schuster and Enio Cano.