Gabryele Ramos

Gabryele Ramos, woman, Long curly brown hair, black shirt
Visiting Graduate Student, Koch Lab
530 Hodson Hall

1980 Folwell Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55108
United States



Area of interest

Soybean Integrated Pest Management


B.S. in Agronomy: University of Viçosa (UFV), 2018 
M.S. in Crop Protection: São Paulo State University (UNESP), 2020 


Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil 

Why insects?

 I have liked bugs since I was a kid, and Entomology is a passion for me! I'm very interested in the fascinating world of insects, from their identification to the best way to prepare them in a dish.

Why University of Minnesota? What is your favorite thing about UMN?

The University of Minnesota is a major American university with an international reputation in agricultural sciences. Therefore, the impact of learning in applied ecology and soybean IPM at UMN is immeasurable in my personal and professional life. University of Minnesota has a culturally rich environment and promotes many social events, which makes international students feel very welcome. 


I would love to build a career that involves teaching/researching Entomology. I have already worked on several research lines. Still, Integrated Pest Management is what I would like to work on directly because it is an abrangent area and a more sustainable way to solve problems with insects in a crop.

Favorite Insect

My favorite insect is the super cool Death's Head Moth Acherontia atropos, a species of hawk moth whose name is derived from the image of a skull and bones on the back of its thorax.

Other interests/Hobbies

I like socializing and meeting new people. I am also very outdoorsy: I love camping, hiking, cycling, traveling, and being around the people and animals I love.