Small Wonders is an ongoing series of articles that explore Minnesota's arthropods. Articles are written by UMN Department of Entomology staff, faculty, grad students, post docs, undergrads, and those outside the department with a particular interest in entomology. The purpose of Small Wonders is to educate and foster interest in entomology.
Come explore Minnesota's fascinating, bizarre, and amazing arthropods with us!
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys
Candy-striped leafhopper, Graphocephala coccinea
Winter midge, Diamesa mendotae
Burying beetles, Nicrophorus spp.
Jagged ambush bug, Phymata spp.
Great black wasp, Sphex pensylvanicus
Oil-collecting bee, Macropis nuda
Common scorpionflies, Panorpa spp.
Bethany Beach firefly, Photuris bethaniensis
Giant water bug, Lethocerus americanus
Wasp mantidfly, Climaciella brunnea
Common green darner dragonfly, Anax junius
Rusty patched bumble bee, Bombus affinis
Blacklegged tick, Ixodes Scapularis
Six-spotted tiger beetle, Cicindela sexguttata
Mourning cloak, Nymphalis antiopa
Snow flea, Hypogastrura nivicola
Western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis